Wednesday, November 9, 2011

House Rules

House Rules

May only advance to 14th Level
Assassin: Str 12, Dex 12, Int 12 Minimum attribute scores


May only advance to 13th Level


May only advance to 13th Level
Druid: Wis 12, Cha 14 Minimum attribute scores to become a Druid.

Fighters Parry ability

May only advance to 12th Level
Fighters must choose at the beginning  of combat if they will be fighting in parry mode. If they are then they must fight in parry mode for the rest of the combat. They may only use this ability if they have a dexterity of 14 or better; then see chart on page 14 of the complete rule book for bonuses. Plus any attack bonus they would have is now waved.

Magic User

May only advance to 16th Level

Magic User II Spell Chart

Level Number of Spells (by level)**
1 2 3 4 5 6
1   3/1 
2   4/2 
3   5/2   3/1
4   6/3   4/2
5   6/3   5/2   3/1
6   6/4   6/3   4/2
7   6/4   6/3   5/2   3/1
8   6/5   6/4   6/3   4/2
9   6/5   6/4   6/3   5/2   3/1
10 6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3   4/2
11 6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3   5/2   3/1
12 6/5   6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3   4/2
13 6/5   6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3   5/2
14 6/5   6/5   6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3
15 6/5   6/5   6/5   6/5   6/4   6/3
16 6/5   6/5   6/5   6/5   6/5   6/4
(the first # is spells known the second # is how many they can cast for that spell level.)
This version of the Magic User does not need a spell book to cast, nor do they have to remember spells. They have a natural knack for magic imbued in there genetics and are able to hard cast spells. They may use Cleric 1st to 3rd level or Magic User spells only. They have to roll to see what spells they know per spell level. For each spell of that level the Magic User II must roll there percentage based on the Intelligence chart Chance To Understand Spells. Those spells they have successfully learned are the spells they can have.
May only advance to the 16th level
Magic User II: Int 13, Wis 13 Minimum attribute scores


May only advance to 16th Level
Monk: Str 12, Dex 15, Wis 15 Minimum attribute scores
May only use there Deadly Strike ability if they are not using weapons.


May only advance to 12th Level
Paladin: Cha 17 Minimum attribute score


May only advance to 12th Level
Ranger: Con 15, Int 12, Wis 12 Minimum attribute scores


May only advance to 12th Level

Combat Rounds will be structured as follows:

1. Surprise and/or other circumstances
2. Whom ever has the highest Dex Score begins the combat round.
3. Declaration of Spells, Movement, and First Ranged
4. First attacks for Melee
5. Spells fire
6. All  secondary  attacks.
7. Any held actions take affect.
8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 until combat has been decided.

Criticals and Fumbles

On a natural 20 the damage will be doubled. On a natural 1 very bad things will happen.

House Rules(Spells and Scrolls)

All Level 8 and level 9 spells will be found on Scrolls.

Scroll of Enchantment
Magic user 6
Range: Touch
duration: See below
area of effect: One
component cost: Depends on what is being created. It will also cost you experience to create things.
casting time: 1d8+2 days
Saving throw: See below
This spell is the culminating moment involved in the creation of a true magic item, when the item is actually infused with the magic properties it has been painstakingly prepared to hold. Before the spell can actually be cast, the magic user must engage in considerable time-consuming and meticulous work, or the spell will certainly fail. Firstly, the item itself must be of absolutely the finest quality available, in terms of craftsmanship, although it need not necessarily be fancy. In most cases, special components such as powders or threads will be incorporated into the item’s construction, costing not less than 100 gp. The casting of the spell takes 1d8+2 days, with the caster working steadily upon the item for eight hours per day. No other spells may be cast during this period of time, nor can the magic user engage in any other meaningful work. When the final words of the spell are spoken, the item makes a saving throw against spells at the same level as the magic user, but with success on the saving throw indicating that the spell has succeeded. A natural result of 1 on this roll always indicates failure of the spell. At this point, the magic user may begin to infuse the item with enchantments, each of which requires 5d8 hours to complete. Most magic items will require unusual components; dragon scales or blood for a sword with an unusually high bonus against dragons, for example. The GM will determine exactly what is required for any particular magic item. This spell is not permanent unless a permanency spell is cast upon it; the duration of the enchantment may be for a year or more without a permanency spell, but the enchantment will eventually fail if it is not locked in to the item.


Burning Hands
Magic user 1
Range: 3FT
duration: 1 round
area of effect: Fan of flame 3 ft long in a 120-degree arc
Saving throw: None
While casting this spell, the magic user touches his or her thumbs together, and a sheet of flame explodes from his or her fingers to burn opponents within the spell’s short (3 ft) range. The flames inflict 1 hp of damage per caster level (no saving throw applies). Any combustible items caught in the sheet of flame must pass a saving throw against normal fire or be destroyed.

Cone of Cold
Magic user 5
Range 0
duration: Instantaneous
area of effect: Cone 5 ft long per level, 1 ft radius at base per level
Saving throw: Half
A cone of cold is a blast of magical cold originating from the caster’s outstretched hand. The cone inflicts 1d4+1 hit points per level of the caster. All unprotected items in the area of effect may be destroyed if they fail item saving throws.

Enchanted Weapon (Reversible)
Magic user 4
Range: Touch
duration: 5 rounds/ level
area of effect: See below
With a touch of his or her hand, the magic user creates a weak and temporary enchantment upon a full sized weapon, or upon two smaller weapons such as arrows, bolts, or daggers. The enchantment lends no bonus to hit, but may be used to strike creatures that can be hit only with a magical weapons.(You may add a damage bonus and elemental bonus to weapon, among other things; DMs discretion)

Feign Death
Magic user 3
Range: Touch
area of effect: One creature
Saving throw: None; willing recipient only
This spell magically slows the recipient’s metabolism into a state so close to death that it is impossible to distinguish the en-spelled person from a corpse by any means other than magical. The recipient can hear, smell, and think; the senses of touch and sight no longer function. Damage caused to the pseudo-corpse is reduced by one half, and the spell’s recipient will not even know that the damage has been caused—potentially a dangerous situation. A person under the infl uence of this spell is not subject to level draining by the undead and will not be affected by poisons until the spell wears off or is otherwise removed; the caster can remove the catalepsy at will, and the spell is subject to being dispelled.

Fire Shield
level: Magic user 4
Range: Caster
area of effect: Caster
Saving throw: None
Pale flames envelope the caster upon the completion of this spell, rendering him or her protection against either fi re or cold based attacks, depending upon whether the magic user elects to wreath him or herself in cold flame or hot flame. Cold flame grants the magic user a +2 bonus on any saving throw vs fire damage, also guaranteeing half damage (or no damage against all fi re attacks that allow a saving throw for half dam-age) provided the saving throw is successful. If the magic user fails a saving throw against a cold based attack, however, he or she will suffer twice the normal damage. Hot flame offers the converse of the protections afforded by cold flame. Cold based attacks receive a bonus of +2 on saving throws and guarantee level that the caster receives only half damage (or none at all) if his or her saving throw is successful against attacks that would cause full or half damage.

Flame Arrow
level: Magic user 3
Range: Touch
area of effect: Arrows or bolts
Saving throw: None
By means of this spell, the magic user may enchant one arrow per segment, causing it to burst into normal flame. The enchanted arrows have no bonus to hit, and the enchantment is not powerful enough to hit a creature that can be damaged only by magical weapons. Each arrow causes 1 hp of fi re damage in addition to its normal damage. The arrows (or crossbow bolts) will burn up in one round, so they must be shot before this time.

Freezing Sphere
Magic user 6
Range: See below
area of effect: See below
Saving throw: See below
This spell may be employed in one of three different forms, depending upon the words and material component used during casting. At the time of memorisation, the magic user need not specify which will be used; these are alternate uses of the same spell, not different versions of it.

Ice seed: conjures a sphere of an intensely cold magical substance that freezes water to a depth of 6 inches over a surface area 100 square ft/ caster level. The ice is thick enough to walk upon without fear of falling through. The duration of the ice is 1 round/ level. The material component for this use is a piece of crystal.

Ice ray: a ray of cold lances from the caster’s hand, inflicting 4 hp/ caster level against anything in its path. A successful saving throw results in no damage. Even if the ray strikes an object, it continues on the other side until it has extended 10 ft/ caster level or is stopped by a thickness of stone of 1 ft or more. The material component for this use is a gem worth 1,000 gp.

Shattering globe: the spell forms a globe one inch in diameter, cold but not uncomfortable to the touch. When this sphere is thrown (by hand or sling), it will explode upon impact for 4d6 hit points of damage within a 10 ft radius (half if save vs spells). If not used within 1 round/ caster level, it will explode at the time its duration ends. The material component for this use is also a gem worth 1,000 gp.

Globe of Invulnerability
Magic user 6
Range: 0
duration: 1 round/ level
area of effect: Sphere, 5 ft radius
Saving throw: None
This spell creates a spherical shield, impermeable to spells. Protects against spells level 1-4.

Mnemonic Enhancement
Magic user 4
Range: Caster
duration: 24 hours
area of effect: Caster
Saving throw: None
This spell enhances the magic user’s precision of memory, allowing him or her to retain up to three additional spell levels in his or her mind (3 fi rst level, 1 first and one second level, or 1 third level). The spell may be used for memorisation, or may be used to hold onto the memory of a spell just cast. The spell components are expensive, costing at least 100 gp, and might not be available in rural communities.

Polymorph Others
Magic user 4
Range: 60'
Duration: See below
Saving throw: See below
A most powerful spell, it will change any living creature into another living creature. While in a new form, the victim will gain only the locomotion of the new shape, retaining all his mental faculties(though not necessarily being able to speak or cast spells!) When in the new form the victim will not have any of the special abilities of the creature transformed to; this includes innate spell casting, breath weaponry, paralyzation (such as that of
ghouls) or turn to stone (as if a Medusa or Basilisk). Unwilling victims that make their Save throw avoid
the change. Otherwise the spell lasts until dispelled or the creature dies.

Secret Chest
Magic user 5
Range: See below
duration: 60 days
area of effect: One chest or box, 12 cubic ft
Saving throw: None
This spell allows the magic user to shift a magically crafted treasure chest into the æthereal plane, where it will be safe from those who might seek to steal the caster’s possessions. The chest itself must be crafted of the finest materials in order to support the spell’s magic, and it will cost a minimum of 5,000 gp to have a craftsman or craftsmen build it, together with a second, miniature copy. When the magic user casts the spell, one hand upon the chest and one upon the miniature, the chest disappears into the æthereal plane, together with its contents. These contents may be up to one cubic foot of material per caster level (and no more than this) regardless of the chest’s actual volume. If the chest contains any living matter, there is a 75% chance that the spell will completely fail, although if it should succeed, the living creature will be imprisoned in the æthereal plane until freed. The caster (and only the caster) can use the miniature chest to pull the larger one from the æther wherever he or she might be. It is possible, although not likely, that some æthereal creature or æthereal traveller might happen upon the chest while it is in the æthereal plane. So long as the chest remains in the æthereal plane, the magic user will still be able to retrieve it (although it may have been looted). No creature on the material plane has any chance using any magic known to humanity to locate a secret chest that has been hidden in the æthereal plane by means of this spell. After the spell duration expires, there is a cumulative 1 in 20 chance per day that the spell’s link to the chest will fail, and the chest will be irrecoverable.

Spider Climb
Magic user 1
Range: Touch
duration: 1 round + 1 round/ level
area of effect: One creature
Saving throw: None
When the magic user casts this spell, the recipient’s bare hands and feet become sticky enough to allow him or her to climb walls and even crawl along a ceiling. The movement rate for such climbing is 30 ft per round. The subject of this spell will find it difficult to employ tools or handle small objects with precision while the spell is in effect.

Stinking Cloud
Magic user 2
Range: 30 ft
duration: 1 round/ level
area of effect: 20 ft radius spherical cloud
Saving throw: See below
This spell creates a nauseating cloud of vapours to billow forth in a location chosen by the caster. All creatures caught within (or later entering) the noxious cloud must make saving throws. Any creature failing to save will be completely unable to act for 1d4+1 rounds, falling to the ground retching and gagging (treated as stunned). A creature that succeeds in making the saving throw may move from within the cloud and be free of the effects after only one round of gasping fresh air (again, being treated as stunned for this round). Even creatures that succeed in making a saving throw cannot do anything within the cloud other than to leave as fast as possible.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

This is your character Development Center

This post is the one I would like my players to respond to when making there proposals or general response to what there character is doing during the gaps between game play. I hope that you all have fun with this and become closer to your character. Thank you for taking your time to develop your character and his/her many different or lessor personas. Please more importantly have some fun...

The effects of what happens will not affect the campaign you are in on game nights. They will take affect before the next campaign. Unless other wise agreed upon by DM and group.

This is not related to game night games. This is to help gain a persona and not just a guy that shows up.

You may pay for training during this period of time to increase your Experience. This, how every, is extremely costly.

You may buy hirelings and use them for your general tasks, train them, and many other things.

It is ok to receive help from other characters whom would like to help you with your tasks. This however is not necessary nor mandatory.

You must have some where to house your hirelings before you can hire them. You may want to think as a group of a home town. If you would like to use the Barony of Haden, which is where you are now then that is exceptable. Just let me know. This will be where your gold and home base will be.

If there is anything else you feel I should add please feel free to let me know.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stockholm Fun

This is a rewrite and review of a Module produced for Path Finder. The Original name is "A Face Only Stolkholm Could Love!" and was produced by Little Red Goblin Games. It is free on RPGNow and is covered under the OGL. I would like to say thank you to these folks for offering such a wonderful product and for offering the inspirations for free. On to my version.

I did a bare bones version to outfit this Module for S&W. I removed a lot of the checks and filler that S&W does not need for its  game system. Here is my musings up to the point as to where my group is now.

It has been almost a year since Lady Alissa Aspin was taken from her home in the night by Maverick Wildclaw the local goblin chieftain. Since then, the hamlet of Ettinreach has been plagued by the constant fear that one of the other fair maidens in the town might fall victim to a similar fate.

The Aspin family has held sway over the local politics for the last eight generations in Ettinreach. Beginning with Sir Hedrick Aspin whom was granted the estate of Ettinreach for his military servitude.Their lineage is proud and has earned a great deal of renown. Since the founding years of the Barony of Haden the Aspin family has been involved in all military conflicts. Ettinreach is a subsidiary of the Barony of Haden. Lord of the Hunt, Sir Caleb Aspin is the current title holder of Ettinreach. It is him that has offered a sizeable reward for the safe return of his daughter.  He is a shadow of his former self and thus can not make the adventure himself.

Arrival in Ettinreach
This is where I am going to leave you. This is Jeffrey’s Bridge just on the other side is Ettinreach. Poof he disappears in a cloud of smoke and is gone. Just before he disappears he throws an item at the group. You instantly recognise it as a signia of the secret group you are now a part of. Even though you have yet to figure the name of it. On the back it says show this to Lord Aspin.

1. Jeffrey’s Bridge
The bridge leading to the Northaven highroad was funded by travelers from Northhaven who wanted to avoid traveling through the Wilting Woods. The wooden bridge creaks with the disrepair as you walk across it. It is short but wide with no guard rails. Its bottom is flat to the water, having no arch but a slightly elevated surface.

2. Scott’s Mill
Scott Henderberg
I closed up the mill some years ago. Just wasn’t profitable any more. Much more coin to be had helping folks to go up river. This is now Scott’s Boat Launch. A trip up river ill cost ya 5 gold per passenger. Other n that I aint got nothin else to be saying.  
Decommissioned after years of service to the town, Scott’s Mill is a decrepit old mill that now serves as a launching place for boats. The old mill’s owner, Scott Henderberg, has long since forgotten his miller days and now offers passage towards Northhaven by way of a daily ferry that ends its journey half way up White River.

3. Saitta Residence
A farming family that owns land to the north of town resides here. Old man Saitta is blind in both eyes but his two sons have long since taken over his fields. They live in a small, but well maintained shack on the edge of town.
Thaus Saitta
HD 5
HP 30
AC 5
ST 13
Movement 12
He is just old enough to be able to head out advinturing. His father does not want him to go, but he is more than willing and ready to disobey his father and seek fame and glory.

4. Town Hall
A two story town hall also serves as the town’s jail and courthouse. It is presided over by Sir Caleb Aspin, as he holds a noble title. A large room serves as a gathering place for all the hamlet’s social events. It is constructed of stone with a high thatched roof.

5. Church of Erastil
A church sits just outside the main street. A small hill elevates it up a little bit above the rest of the town, appearing to be keeping a watchful eye on the inhabitants of Ettinreach. The preacher, a kindly old female cleric by the name of Arielle Windlethrop acts in the name of Erastil and can be found here at all hours.
Erastil (pronounced eh-RAS-til)[1] is one of the oldest gods still worshiped in Avistan. His religion dates back to before the Age of Darkness when small farming communities and hunter-gatherers prayed to him for bountiful harvests and successful hunts. He is a god of the hunt and of farming, leading his followers by example and good deeds rather than flowery rhetoric.[2]
Arielle Windlethrop
HD 7
HP 42
AC 6
ST 9
Movement 12
Spells per day
2 cure light wounds, detect evil, light, protection from evil, bless, hold person, cure disease, prayer, remove curse, speak with dead

6. Rosenberg Residence
Henry Rosenberg is the town’s smith. He lives alone in this small hovel with only his forge to keep him company.

7. Langholdt Residence
Alistair Langholdt is the town’s resident artist. After earning a fair wage in the city he retired here. Now he mostly pesters the children with the stories of his youth.

8. Shear Residence
John Sheer at the young age of twenty is an accomplished carpenter and family man. He tells you he can make just about anything out of wood. He is also a master fletcher. He can produce +1 arrows all day long. His wife takes care of his two small sons that you see running around and playing games out in front of his shop that also serves as his home.

9. Aspin Manor
Two stories tall, the Aspin Manor is a luxury amongst the run down backdrop of Ettinreach.
Once inside, you notice that everything in the house shows its age but has been expertly preserved. Gruesome trophies line the wall, some from war and some from hunts , and it is clear that Sir Aspin has some clout amongst the nobility.
He warns you that the Goblin chief carries an appearance closer to warg than a goblin. He also tells you that ever since Wildclaw has taken over the tribe the goblins have become more aggressive and careless.
Lord Aspin tells you about the Elflords House. He says that the house is on the edge of the town proper. The Elves have a small two story hall that houses the thirteen children of the late Elflord who was exiled from the Isle of Rel’Sem. They were exiled because they made a pact with the Wilting Wood fey. When the leadership of the kingdom of Rel’Sem made a pact with an opposing House of Fey, they fell out of favor. A brief and bloodless conflict left them on the outside of society and soon they found themselves ridiculed by the other nobles. To escape
the mockery, they broke their pact with the house of the Wilting Wood and took up residence across the bay. All who live in the hall are skilled warriors. He also tells them that you may be able to trick the Elves into free passage through the woods. All you have to do is go with them on a hunt and keep steering them towards the other side of the woods. Most of the time, he warns, they can see through this ploy and will charge you coin.

9. Exiled Elflord House- House of Kel’Sem
You elected to talk with the exiled Elflord’s house. You find them a short walk beyond the edge of the town proper. They invite the players to go with them on a hunt. If they players show any sympathy towards the fey or reveal that their goal is beyond the forest, the Elves grow less receptive. We ask for 10 gold per day to have a ranger accompany you. We are normally hired out by travelers from Northhaven to get through the Wilting Woods for that much.
Kel’Sem Ranger Elf
HD 8
HP 48
AC 6
ATT Long sword 1D8, Composite Long Bow 1d8+1
ST 9
Movement 12 +2 in the forest.

Beyond the town proper lay the Wilting Woods and the adventure begins.

It takes the players 2d8 hours to traverse the Wilting Woods. The forest is cursed by the Wilting Woodsmen, a House of Fey who enjoy misleading travelers. Every 1d4 hours the party must make a save or be found lost. Only one character has to succeed the check to see the forest subtlety shifting to mislead them and guide them on the correct path. If they are lead through the wood by one of the exiled Elflords, they automatically pass save.

Every 6 hours of travel there is a chance for an
d% Encounter
1  2d6 Hobgoblins 4
2 1d3 Dryads 5
3 1d3 Satyrs 5
4 1d4 Dopplegangers 5
5 1d4+2 Wilting Woodsman 6
6 1d10 Mites 4
7 1d3+2 Bugbears 6
8 Treant 8

1.Hobgoblin Hunt
The players have stumbled upon a group of hobgoblins. They are on a yearly ritualistic hunt to kill the Wilting Woodsmen. The hobgoblins have been hunting their foes for years and they have traveled all the way from a far land to do so.

2.Doppelganger Encounter
The doppelgangers presented on the encounter table appear to the players as either themselves or NPCs they might expect to see. (Such as Sir Aspin or Arielle) This is especially disorienting if they players encounter this after a rest.
Roleplaying Tip:If a player is mimicked by a doppelganger, allow them to play both the doppelganger (with the GM’s help) and their own character until combat begins.

4.Wilting Woodsman CR4
NE Small Fey
HD 5
HP 30
AC 2 Because of speed
ATT 1D8 -1, Dusk Darts
ST 9
Movement 12
Spells Invisibility, Faerie Fire, Mystic Glob
1.Environment temperate forests
2.Organization solitary, band (2-4), hunt (5-10), or tribe
3.Treasure standard, plus 1d3 vials of bloodroot poison
4.Dusk Darts (su): A wilting woodsman’s darts are not of mortal construction, and are of a special blend of dream, shadow and mistletoe twisted together until it is a hard, gray material like wood. Any creature struck by one of these darts must make a Will save (DC 14) or
take 2 points of Wisdom damage. These darts are often poisoned with bloodroot poison as well, making for a very potent weapon against mortal minds.
5.Illusionist (ex): A wilting woodsman spends
their time crafting delicate illusions and leading others
6.Shifting Leaves (su): The forest exists as an
ally of the wilting woodsman, as well as his servant. The wilting woodsman is unaffected by normal or magical difficult terrain, as the forest floor and fallen leaves come up to meet him and guide him over such obstacles. The wilting woodsman may also choose to have any squares that he leaves during his turn be considered difficult terrain until the beginning of his next turn. When this ability activates, the affected ground bends out of place and leaves become more
solid at odd angles. This ability only functions in a forested area.
7. Any chance they get they will torment and chastise the party.

The water surrounding the delta of the White River is a deep red. It’s due to a persistent algal bloom. The sand is soft to the touch and nearly white. Many ships have crashed along the coast due to the abundance of coral in the area. In fact the delta is literally littered with parts of trading vessels that the goblins have turned into makeshift dwellings. That you can see on Cay Island, 100 yards away. It has no foliage other than a few palm trees and is otherwise flat. If it is day You see several Goblins out fishing and sun bathing. If it is night You notice that the Goblins have lite several torches and have posted centuries. When the group goes to cross they realize that the current is very strong. Alissa Aspin is held in Drew-Drew’s which is farthest from where the players enter. There are 50 goblins in the tribe. At night the goblins on watch is 1d10. During the day 1d20 are on watch. Pygmy Goblin Warriors CR4 Goblin Rogue 4 HD 6 HP 36 AC 4 ATT Short Sword 1d4x3 ST 9 Movement 12 If they surround an enemy. The enemy can not make any more attacks until they break free.

5. THE BOSS FIGHT Lady Alissa Aspen Alissa will be a total pain in the ass and will refuse to leave. If they fight with Drew Drew she will join on his side and try to protect him. If at any time the battle gets too crazy and Marverick will tell the group it is not worth it and that if they take the girl and leave they will not bother Ettinreach any longer. Lady Alissa Aspin HD 1 HP 4 AC 9 ATT Rapier 1d6 ST 13 Movement 12 1.Possessions Amulet of Glamerseeing Slot Neck; Price 800 gp; Weight 1lb. This amulet is crafted to appear like the silver eyes of an owl set atop a dim amethyst. It grants a +2 resistance bonus on Will saves vs illusions. In addition, the wearer may make a Will save to disbelieve an illusion when entering within 10 feet of it, even if he has not otherwise interacted with it. Drew-Drew [Barghest] Extremely cocky and loves to boast. Sees Alissa as his greatest trophy. All though lately she has been driving him mad. HD 5+1 HP 41 AC 5 ATT Shadow Sword 1d8 This sword does an aditional 1d8 damage if target that is hit does not save. This damage is considered to be shadow damage. This sword also grants a plus four to attack if in the hands of a Barghest. ST 12 Movement 12 Special Eat Souls When a Barghest kills a mortal it will absorb its soul in 1d6 turns. Once this happens that mortal may not be resurrected or saved. Treasure Shadow Sword and 1d6 gold times ten. Maverick Wildclaw [Greater Barghest] Extremely conniving and intelligent. Can not stand Alissa and her bitching. HD 7+1/soul eaten HP 63 AC 0 ATT Shadow Sword 1d8 This sword does an aditional 1d8 damage if target that is hit does not save. This damage is considered to be shadow damage. This sword also grants a plus four to attack if in the hands of a Barghest. ST 9 Movement 12 Special Eat Souls When a Barghest kills a mortal it will absorb its soul in 1d6 turns. Once this happens that mortal may not be resurrected or saved. Treasure Shadow Sword and 1d6 gold times ten. 6. ENDING & AFTERMATH If Alissa is still alive after the battle. She will kick and scream the hole way back. Every chance she gets she will try to excape. If they get her all the way back, her father will be utterly grateful and will reward them well. If not they need to explain her death and will not receive the reward. Lord Aspin hands you a letter from the Wizard telling you to stay put until he arrives. He tells you that he has another important mission for you. See The Waxening

All of my material posted here is and can be used under the OGL.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Game Session 1 Forest of Secrets

The group enters Old Town Ruins and off to there left they spot a young boy roughly ten years of age. The boy is staring at the group, uncomfortably so. They ask him "What has happened to the town." The boy replies that the town has been being attacked by marauders and most of the goodly folk has left." They ask him "where his parents are." At this point the boy is moving closer to Irish Red to stand next to him. The boy then tells him his parents are dead. Irish Red feels a tug at his coin purse and realizes that the boy just tried to pick pocket him. In stead of getting angry Irish Red offers the boy ten gold. The boy responds by becoming a torch barer for Irish. Irish now has a hireling. The boy points them in the direction of the Inn and then follows close to his new mentor. The boys name is Stan, but Irish prefers to call him Pip.

As they start off down the road to the Inn they notice that a lot of the buildings have been used for scrap as most buildings are missing several pieces. Well the ones that are still standing any ways. They spot a Forge and the Black Smith is out working. He nods his head in there direction as saying hi. Then gets back to his work. The group approaches him and he says "The name is Jovan and I have many common wares for sale, mostly armor and weapons." and  "I do have one very nice piece, it is +1 Plate Mail with a special quality. It ways ten pounds lighter than regular plate. The cost I'll get you though I want 10,000gold for it and not a shilling less. Squizgar Bearcharger asks Jovan if he may buy a singular piece. Bearcharger asks for a cod piece. Jovan says that it will be 10 gold for the cod piece and Bearcharger buys it. Irish asks if there is anything the Black Smith can do with a giant spiders carcus. Jovan tells him yes he can and asks him to bring him two giant bat wings and a alligators hide. The group begins there trek to the inn once more.

As you approach the Inn you notice all around the Inn the buildings have been demolished. At the top of the Inn is a wooden tower with a man and a bell in it. 100 yards in any direction around the inn are wooden ramparts with one exception, the trail leading up to the door. Just outside the ramparts are to men at arms.
The first man at arms approaches the group with his hand out and says "My name is John and you have found the, but not just any one can enter." The group flips him a gold to get inn. John drops the coin in his pocket and holds his hand out again. Irish throws him Five gold and again John drops the coin in his pocket and holds his hand out. Only this time he looks over to his partner and says "Aint these a bunch O cheap asses?" At this point Bearcharger has had enough and takes a swing at the Johns arm. The attempt failed with John being the faster.

Just behind the group they hear the approach of another man and notice two more men at arms. Now the group is flanked and the Inn Militia begin attacking. One of the Archers takes a shot at Velhamos, but Vel being of extraordinary intelligence, pulled a large green gem from his pocket. The gem caught the light and shined right into the archers eyes causing him to stumble. The arrow went straight into the sky and came right back down on the archer. Vel then cast an invisibility spell. After several more exchanges between the group and the men at arms, Bearcharger killed one of the men at arms and they all surrendered. Allowing the group entrance into the Inn.

"Sorry about me boys we are having a lot of hard times these days." says Olaf the Inn keeper. "We get raided at least once a week by bandits and varmints.  That is why most of the town up and left. Me and me boys know that the trade route still needs protectin so we stay. Not to mention the coin we are making in the process. You will notice that there are not a lot of people left in town and those that are are mostly goodly folks. There is one that not many of us wish to speak with and hes for doin the same. He lives in the tower down the road as you are getting ready to leave. I guess he is not so bad, his wizardry does help out when the marauders come out of them durnd woods. The Forest of Secrets they be callin it. The only secrets it is holding is where them damned bandits are hold up." 

Those bastards down at Last Chance outpost arnt doin a durnd thing to help. I almost believe that they have a deal worked out with them damned bandits not to attack those that take the route through the woods. Enough of that, would you like a room and welcome to the Golden Goblin Inn.

The common room ill cost you one gold a night.
There are three private chambers each with two beds for three gold a night your choice.
Meals are on the house with the private chambers, but otherwise they are 5 silver a meal.
Mead is warm and strong and is a silver a mug.

As you look around the Inn you notice there are only four other travelers there in a room that could fit fifty. Two of them are dressed in nobleman’s robes and are sitting at a table with each other eyeing you tentatively. The next man is sitting alone in the darkest corner of the Inn and is sipping a Mead. You can just barely make out his eyes staring at you from under his cowl. He gets up and leaves. The forth man is sitting alone at the bar and Olaf and this man are having a conversation. The group sits quietly down and goes about ordering some food. They do not seem to notice that they have not seen Vel since the battle. They also seem uninterested in his where abouts and are more focused on the good drink and food.

They do notice that one of the men in the back corner is peering at them out of the cowl of his cloak. This man then proceeds to get up and walk out. What he does not notice is that Vel, still invisible had noticed him noticing the group noticing him, and decided to follow the suspicious man. He follows him for a good five miles out side of town. The man is meet buy an extremly large man in a suit of Black Plate Mail. The two seem to know each other and start a conversation. Mean while back at the Inn...

The group are listening to the many conversations that are going on. Olaf and the patron are talking quite loudly about the bounty that the Merchants Conclave have put on the Marauders heads. Almost as though they are hoping and wishing you are hearing it. The Noblemen are being very secretive and whispering. You notice that one of them keeps nodding your way. Every now and then you can here them make a quip about how you had better not come for the reward or some such thing. Bear charger now being on his fifth pint and feeling randy, decides he does not much like them talking all secretivly about the group. He decides to through his fresh new pint at the Noblemen and hits one square in the face... 

The rest of the group bursts into laughter and the Noblemen not much liking the humiliation approach the group. They ask Bearcharger if there is a problem and then focus there attention on the one girl in the group and say "Just you never mind girly, fightin is for us men. So go fetch us some points.." Before they could finish both Irish and Bear are up on the table and a few feet from the Noblemen. Irish and one of the Noblemen end up in a grapple and Bear and the other Noble are exchanging blows...Candy just sighs and says here we go again. Never being much of a fighter he heads over to the bar to get a fresh mead for the spectacle...

Vel over hears the man with the cowl tell the Black armored man that there is a group of adventurers that have just moved into town. He also tells him that he is unsure of there alliances, but if he plans on raiding the town that he should be a bit more careful. Then the two men begin walking in different directions. Vel decides to follow the man in the Black armor. He is heading due west for the forest. Once at the forest the man steps into the forest and disappears completely and there is absolutely no sign of him. Vel can see the foot prints leading to the woods, but none just inside of the forest its self. He does notice a hint of a magic pulse coming from the forest and decides to cast ESP to see if he can here the mans thoughts...

Irish gets thrown free of the Nobleman and goes right through a table. Olaf is just about frantic at this point running all around screaming who is going to pay for all this damage. Having had the rude comment through her way and being eager to join into the fun. Layla Time grapples with the distracted Nobleman that just launched Irish. Bearcharger and the other Noble are trading head butts to see whom is the strongest. Layla is thrown free of the Nobleman and ends up going through anther table. Irish is back and throwing punches and manages to knock his opponent out cold...

Vel successfully casts ESP and can here the man in the Black armors thoughts. He hears him grumbling about how everyone must find there own way to the city of trees and how there is never the same path. The man also says that he wishes that the damned people would find him already and something about them always messing with him and changing the path again and again. He decides that may be with dusk's unset it is time to head back to the inn for some sleep or to let the group know what happened. Vel heads off for the Inn...

Just then Irish sees a charging human missile heading straight for the other Noble. It is Layla time and her timing could not of been worse. The Noble side step right out of the way and Layla face planted right into the wall. Knocking her slef unconscious. Bearchager using the distraction knocked out the other Nobleman and then came Olaf. You bastards get the hell out. My beautiful Inn, all destroyed. Irish ever the chivalris one tosses him a sack of gold and says I hope this will help easy your troubles. Bearcharger then says I got. All looked surpruised at that. What no one knew was Bearcharger had picked the Noblemans pocket when no one was looking and used that money to pay for the Inns damage. With all set back to right and the group happy to be the victors. They went on to buy the mead for the rest of the night.

When Vel entered the Inn he noticed all the damage and saw his friends belligerently drunk at the bar. He decided it best to let them know all that transpired in the morning. Little did he know this one almost a grave mistake. About two hours after he went to sleep and the time was reaching 1100pm and all in the bar where drunk as skunks. The lone man in the bell tower began ringing his bell. Olaf knowing immediately what that meant, went as white as a ghost. He said all to arms the Marauders have come! All to arms or we will all perish. 

The group ran straight for the court yard and Candy was up into one of the turrets in a flash. He yelled down there has got to be at least forty out there and they are all mounted with bows. A volley of fire arrows came over the ramparts at that point. Catching the buildings on fire and injuring some. The injuries where minor and did not stop any one. The group noticed in the bell tower the Wizard that Olaf was talking about had come. They could see him casting. The two magic users cast defensive spells on them selves. Drawing some grumbbling from the fighters. 

Another volley came on doing little damage to the group, but catching a lot of the wooden structure on fire. Irish trying to help stop the Marauders from circling as they where decided to go and catch fire to the rumble that was around the ramparts with little affect. Layla Time casts call lightening and the first bolt hits the one of the leaders of the Marauders almost killing him. The leader flees and takes ten men with him. Vel casts phantasmal force and most of the Marauders believe the images before them and are killed. This leaves only a few score of men left. The wizard in the bell tower casts a fire ball on the rest of the men left. He kills all of them but three. Those three retreat as fast as they can.

The group helps to put out the fires and notice that Laylas call lightening is still striking around them and decide to head into the Inn for some much need rest... Until next time...

Two quests imerged from this session.

One Irishs armor and the things he needs

Two Vels magical amulet so he may go speak to the other magic user.

I forgot one the quest for the Book on the Forest of Secrets.

100EXP to any one who can tell me Pips real name at the next game session.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Intro to The Forest of Secrets

The adventurers having worn out there welcome in the last town, found them selves on the road heading East. You think the people there would have been a little more understanding and welcoming. Especially after all they did for them. It is no easy task killing an entire cemetery of undead after all. Whats a couple of broken windows and a few house fires after all. Ok maybe it was the store house for there winter supplies, and maybe it was a few more house than a couple, and lets just say not all the undead where dead again, but they did there best…

The adventures, weary and tired after several days of travel, see in the distance what looks like the cooking fires of a small town. They decide to keep traveling the road they are on toward the fires and the pleasant aroma those fires are making. As they draw nearer they notice that the town does not look at all welcoming. In all actuality it appears to be in ruins. Sure enough a few steps latter they come across a sign with the towns name. The sign says “Welcome to Old Town” and then in red some one has added “and its Ruins!”.

The “Old Town Ruins” is still populated as the adventures figure out. Just not by a lot of people and most look unsavory at best.